I acknowledge the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation as the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which I live, work, play and dream. I pay my respects to their Elders, past, present and emerging and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and cultures.

Since studying to become a life coach with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy (BYCA), I have been on such an incredible journey of learning, growth and expansion. It is through the BYCA course that I found myself in Hobart, listening to a keynote speech delivered by Annie Gichuru, DEI coach and consultant.

It was through hearing Annie’s story that I realised how different our experiences had been. My eyes were suddenly opened to my own limited views and misconceptions about racial equity and exposed me to the privilege I hold (even as a woman of colour) but had never given any real thought and was largely oblivious to.

I’ve started reflecting on my understanding, views and beliefs on diversity, equity & inclusion and the other ways in which people are marginalised. I freely admit how little I truly know and acknowledge the many privileges I hold as a heterosexual, cisgender, physically able, educated woman. 

What began as a desire to have a deeper conversation and understanding about different experiences is becoming, and will continue to be, a journey to better understand diversity, equity and inclusion across social identities. I want to learn more, know more and better understand the differences in our human experience to show up as a better version of myself for myself and for others, both personally and professionally.

A non-negotiable in my life is genuine human connection. Without it, I am not my best self. Much of my life’s happiness comes from sharing as much kindness and joy with everyone I connect with, whether it's for a moment or a lifetime, because I believe in the inherent goodness in people.  I believe that each of us is worthy of kindness and belonging simply because we exist.

This belief drives a desire to live in a world where we connect with and value each other for our character, regardless of the colour of our skin, race, gender, sexual orientation or any other identity we may hold. A world where we seek understanding to respect, honour and celebrate our differences rather than discriminate because of them. I am committed to doing my part to create this kind of world and to building a business that is diverse, equitable and inclusive. I welcome this as necessary and lifelong work.

I know that I will make mistakes along the way and I am open and willing to be called in when I do.  This will allow me to learn and grow from my mistakes and not let them be a reason to stop me doing this work.

I commit to ongoing investment and education in DEI. To date, I have completed programs and sought ongoing knowledge expansion through Annie Gichuru, Dr Ibram X Kendi, Emmanuel Acho, Kemi Nekvapil, Loretta J Ross, Rhonda Maghee and Luvvie Ajayi Jones. I have also served as a mentor in the inaugural Women of Colour Australia mentorship program.

I will continue learning and unlearning to be and do better in creating inclusive spaces.